Christine Natalya Sitorus

Travel Around The World

Globetrotter: Travel around The World!

Traveling is my biggest passion in this life, and my childhood dream was to travel around the world. This CNS Travel Guides is created to share with you about my happiness and adventures in exploring the world.

I will share all the travel recommendations that I’ve been experienced so far, starting from how to find the right airlines, how to apply the visa (for Indonesian), where is the best area to stay, how to use the public transportations, and point of interests or activities in those destinations.

You can get a help from any travel agents, but it’s not hard to do it by yourself, for sure! In fact, most of my trips are well-arranged by myself. I did join some full-board tours that provided by travel agents, due to language barriers and personal safety, such as: China, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and Palestine.

For me, traveling by my own is more meaningful. It gives me much flexibilities. You can choose places that are really matter, and skip the one which is wasting your time. You can really enjoy your time, and act like a local. You are fully in charge to decide everything that suits to your heart and make you happy!

The stories that I will share with you, are categorized into seven (7) regions, as my interest in Geography. I also share some descriptions and maps of each regions and sub-regions. Each travel experiences are based on my own travel experiences. And I hope this CNS Travel Guides can be a new inspiration for you to explore the other side of the world.

Enjoy the stories, and feel free to post a comment or ask me anything about the trips.

Eat – Sleep – Travel – Repeat! ✈️🌎❤️ #cnstravelguides


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